just click on a pic to your liking and enjoy in full screen the most complete gallery slider about Franco Grignani on the web!

In 1973, when Franco made a meticulous inventory of his work, his archive included something like 13,000 experiments and about 800 paintings – not counting the hundreds of advertising works and the covers for books and magazines [from the Italian-French magazine ‘arte e società‘, 6/7, 1973].

Hence, what you see here represents only a minuscule fraction, a selection constrained by the limitations of what the web can currently showcase.

shortcuts to Gallery sections:

(sources are at the bottom of the page, with reference to the [#] in each caption)

I wrote in an old note: “I wanted the eyes of others to be ‘educated’ to see, through the inter-cerebral world of impulses, the ‘sensory’ way suited to modern man”. Thus, art enters life as a support for the problems of visual culture, because the man, being no longer filled with notions, can formulate judgments, indicate choices, enjoy different aspects, have a more creative imagination, doubling the value of life through the exaltation of the imaginary.
Franco Grignani [I]

the man

logotypes & typefaces

photoexperiments, paintings, sculptures

advertising & covers

books & exhibits

sources (top contributors in bold):

all pics of works are copyrighted © Eredi Franco Grignani (see terms and conditions)

[1] graphéine
[3] CAST, courtesy of Alessandro Colizzi
[4] Museo del Marchio Italiano
[5] Veder bene, courtesy of Bonifacio Pontonio
[6] GARADINERVI, courtesy of Robert Rebotti
[7] AIAP / CDPG Centro di Documentazione sul Progetto Grafico, courtesy of Lorenzo Grazzani
[8] MUSEONOVECENTO, courtesy of Silvia Penna
[9] Unit Editions Studio, courtesy of Bethan Roberts
[10] Katarte, courtesy of Paolo Buonarrivo & Galleria Gruppo Credito Valtellinese
[11] AIS/Design
[12] Typeroom, courtesy of Loukas Karnis
[13] IDEA magazine
[14] Artribune & Galleria Gruppo Credito Valtellinese
[15] Graphiste-webdesigner, courtesy of Jean-Guy Cheminade
[16] Modernism101, courtesy of Randall Ross and Molly McCombs
[17] Clueb
[18] Regione Lombardia/Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea, Milano-Cinisello Balsamo
[19] AIGA Eye on Design, courtesy of Team EOD
[20] Paul Giambarba’s Typepad, courtesy of Paul Giambarba
[21] il Giornale del Ticino, courtesy of Massimo Soncini
[22] Wall Street International Magazine, courtesy of Alex Callagher & 10 A.M. ART Gallery
[23] Galleria d’Arte Il Salotto, courtesy of Michele Caldarelli
[24] Il Post & Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art
[25] Il Post & M&L FINE ART, courtesy of Matteo Lampertico
[26] Collezione da Tiffany, courtesy of Nicola Maggi & 10 A.M. ART Gallery
[27] Editoriale Domus SpA & m.a.x. museo Chiasso, photos by Matteo Zarbo
[28] Christie’s Images Ltd. 2020, lots 1, 7, 104, courtesy of Sara Macdonald
[29] Fidesarte Italia
[30] Archivio Fotografico Il Ponte Casa d’Aste, courtesy of Paola Colombo
[31] la Repubblica & Galleria Gruppo Credito Valtellinese
[32] Lorenzelli arte, courtesy of Matteo Lorenzelli
[33] Martini Studio d’Arte, courtesy of Angelo Martini
[34] Justseeds, courtesy of Josh Macphee
[35] Design is fine, courtesy of Andrea Riegel
[36] Art-Rite
[37] Dorotheum
[38] Galleria Pananti
[39] M3Studio per Aste Bolaffi, courtesy of Cristiano Collari
[40] Cambi Casa d’Aste
[41] Sotheby’s
[42] Finarte
[43] Aste Boetto
[44] Studio d’Arte Borromeo, courtesy of Alberto Orsenigo
[45] WestLicht Auction
[46] Ambrosiana Casa d’Aste
[47] Capitolium Art, courtesy of Marta Plebani
[48] Koller Zurich
[49] Artcurial
[50] Wannenes
[51] Centro per la cultura d’impresa
[52] courtesy of Daniela Grignani
[53] Bauhaus e razionalismo nelle fotografie di Lux Feininger, Franco Grignani, Xanti Schawinsky, Luigi Veronesi, a cura di Giuliana Scimè, 1993
[54] PCCC, courtesy of Paolo Credi

special acknowledgments are due in particular to the constant work of research and documentation by AIAP / CDPG and GARADINERVI

more pics can be browsed from AIAP / CDPG Centro di Documentazione sul Progetto Grafico, LombardiaBeniCulturali and from the exhibition catalogues: Franco Grignani: Il Rigore dell’Ambiguità – 10 A.M. Art, Franco Grignani: Subperception – 10 A.M. Art, Franco Grignani – M&L Fine Art; focused on photography: MUFOCO, Milano-Cinisello Balsamo and CSAC, Parma

see also: Franco Grignani for Alfieri & Lacroix: virtual exhibit on Artsteps

[I] ITA original text from Franco Grignani, segno struttura spazio, catalogo della mostra, Immagini Koh.I.Noor circolo culturale, Milano, 1986: “Scrivevo in una vecchia nota: “Volevo che l’occhio altrui si educasse a vedere, nel mondo intracerebrale degli impulsi, la via sensibile adatta all’uomo moderno”. Così l’arte entra nella vita come supporto ai problemi della cultura visiva, perché l’uomo non più imbottito di nozioni possa formulare giudizi, indicare scelte, godere di aspetti, avere più fantasia creativa, raddoppiando così il valore della vita nell’esaltazione dell’immaginario.”

Last Updated on 10/03/2025 by Emiliano