Franco Grignani’s work continues to be influential and relevant, attracting students of all ages who produce noteworthy works inspired by his art.
Here are some recent examples found on the web, along with others already published on this blog:
- Gleine Meryll Reinton from the ‘Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna‘ (Italy) created animated posters using 3D graphics for the promotion of an imaginary interactive exhibition about Franco Grignani. These posters reference five of Grignani’s prints:
Franco Grignani – Op Art experience
- Stéphanie Cantin from France produced a responsive website, as part of a web design course:
Franco Grignani – L’obsession des formes et de l’optique (FRA)
(see also more details about the project)
Paola Maiullari and Fabiana Bosatra from ‘cfp Bauer‘ in Milan created two timelines about Franco Grignani, as part of their course on the ‘History of Visual Communication’:
Franco Grignani – Timeline (ITA)
Franco Grignani – Timeline (ITA)
Paola Spitaleri and Matteo Salvati, two second-year students of the ‘Graphic Design and Digital Media’ course at the ‘Academy of Design and Visual Communication‘ in Catania (Professor Enrico Gisana), have initiated a movement inspired by some posters by Franco Grignani:
[The first aim of this blog is to disseminate the excellence of the works of Franco Grignani in graphic design among the new generations of students; therefore, if you are a student or academic and need support for a project related to Franco or Jeanne Grignani, you can reach out for assistance using the Contact form, and I’m willing to provide support free of charge.]
Last Updated on 08/09/2024 by Emiliano