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The website francogrignani.info has been developed with the WordPress theme “Photo Perfect” by WEN Themes and uses some third-party plugins.
The francogrignani.info website is non-profit and hasn’t been developed for commercial purposes. Its purpose is purely informative – as the .info domain suggests – and its first aim is to disseminate the excellence of the works of Franco Grignani in graphic design among the new generations of students.
Each image, product or company mentioned on this website are trademarks of their respective owners or holders and may be protected by patents and/or copyrights granted or registered by the appropriate authorities.
All the images have been taken from the original works of Franco Grignani, who was my grandfather. Most of them have been originally suggested by many Pinterest Boards. Although every effort has been made to trace the very original source of the images obtained from the web, it has been almost impossible to attain the first digitization, as the works of Franco Grignani have been widely reused over the years by numbers of websites, not even trying to deduce the initial origin through the search with Google Lens for the largest dimensions of the same image.
The source has however been included in the caption of each image and signifies a credit for the digitalization of the works of Franco Grignani, whose reproduction rights are copyrighted © Eredi Franco Grignani, through his two daughters Daniela and Manuela.
The francogrignani.info website is co-managed by Emiliano Camera and Daniela Grignani. The owner of the francogrignani.info website, in any case, remains available to any entitled parties, through the Contacts section.
We – my mother and I – have never authorized anyone to produce and sell ‘gadgets’ with the artworks of Franco Grignani.
The images are low resolution (96 dpi) and the pixelization of the downloadable pics is set not to exceed the screen dimensions (Hmax: 1080px), so that they are optimized for an online viewing experience but cannot be reused for commercial purposes, in line with the informative purposes of the francogrignani.info website.
Upscaling images with any kind of software, AI included, is strictly forbidden, not least because some distortions are often created from the original images, especially if they contain text; if you need a bigger version of an image, please contact me through the Contacts section.
Even if images have been authorized for this specific web project, the grant for the license is not transferable, so that you are not allowed to reuse them in other public contents, unless you contact the sources indicated at the bottom of the “Gallery“.
Still, if you “pin” the images with Pinterest you are not even allowed to modify the source (www.francogrignani.info) or any other information.
In extreme synthesis:
- you can’t pick up an image from this site for anything related to economic purposes;
- if you pick up an image from my mother’s archive (all referred as to: [*] courtesy of Daniela Grignani) for an academic purpose, follow this example:

image credit: © Eredi Franco Grignani
digitalization credits: francogrignani.info
- if you pick up an image from another source (all indicated in the caption as: [#], with the full explanation at the bottom of the post/page) for an academic purpose, you have to contact the original source via the link provided; then, follow this example:

image credit: © Eredi Franco Grignani
digitalization credits: AIAP / CDPG Centro di Documentazione sul Progetto Grafico
Unless otherwise indicated,
texts are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
See terms of license. This means that they can be reproduced as long as the source (www.francogrignani.info) is mentioned, they are not used for commercial purposes, and they are shared with the same license.
Any form of link to this website by third parties, including embedding, must not damage the image and activities of the francogrignani.info website.
Last Updated on 15/09/2024 by Emiliano